Crystal Meanings and Uses A-Z: Iolite. The Clear Blue Stone of Sight.

Iolite is a form of the mineral Cordierite known for its blue color; it was named after the Greek God Ios, meaning Violet. Once used as a lens by the Vikings in order to improve vision while on sea voyages, Iolite was one of the world's first polarizing filters. This association with maritime practice gave Iolite its nickname, the Water Sapphire.
Iolite fosters spirituality, insight, and imagination. Wearing this stone at night both stimulates psychic dreams and promotes the ability to interpret them. Possession of this stone ensures introspection, and encourages positive change. It is particularly adept at relieving addictions, as Iolite allows the user to see weaknesses clearly.
Found primarily in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and Burma, Iolite has gained popularity all over the world. It combines the energies of the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, which work together to facilitate creativity. Iolite has been a meditation tool throughout time, and some refer to it as the Shaman's stone.

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